Fuse Templates (Redzone) - Integrating Redzone with Limble using Fuse

Created by Joshua Merrell, Modified on Fri, 10 Nov, 2023 at 3:31 PM by Joshua Merrell


This guide steps through the process of implementing templatized Redzone integration Scenarios in Limble Fuse. Within Limble Fuse, each scenario performs a contained integration. We have created 4 unique Fuse Scenarios that can be used in your Limble Fuse account to perform the following actions between Limble and Samsara:

- Retrieve and Refresh Redzone Auth Token for use by the Fuse Redzone App
- When a Limble Asset is given a populated 'Redzone: Asset UUID' field, associate the Asset with the Redzone Asset

- Regularly poll Redzone for the newly added Maintenance Actions. For each, create a corresponding Work Order in Limble for the associated Asset. 

- Sync and comments added to the WO or the Maintenance Action to the other system.
- When a WO is closed in Limble, close the associated Redzone Maintenance Action.

*NOTE: All 4 Scenarios must be configured and enabled in order for the above scope to execute properly.

This guide assumes you currently have no Redzone integrations and wish to add all of the above to your Limble Fuse account. At a high level, this process involves:

  • Obtain Redzone and Limble API Credentials for use by the Fuse Scenarios

  • Creating and using webhooks in Limble for the Scenario instances

  • Creating Instances of Fuse Scenario Templates

  • Updating the instances of the Scenarios to point to the Redzone & Limble accounts


  • Gather your Redzone credentials. You'll need the following:
    - client_id (currently need to request this from Redzone support)
    - secret_key (currently need to request this from Redzone support)
    - orgID
    - enterpriseID
  • Gather your Limble API credentials. This can be done from the 'API Settings' section on the 'Settings' page. The secret is hidden after being generated. If you lose it, you will need to click "Refresh Client ID/Secret", then update any existing integration key usages with the new value.
    - ClientID
    - Client Secret


  • Login to your Limble account and navigate to the Limble Fuse integration portal

  • Upon entering the portal, you will be presented with a list of existing Scenarios. Create a new folder titled 'Redzone'

  • Navigate to the 'Data Stores' page. We need to create 4 new Data Stores. Start with the first by clicking 'Add data store'. Name it '[Redzone]LimbleAsset Associations'. Beside the Data Structure dropdown, click 'Add'. Give the new Data Structure the same name as the Data Store.

  • Use the 'Add Item' button to add the following three Data Structure properties:
    - redzoneAssetUUID (type = 'Text') (required = 'Yes')
    - limbleAssetID (type = 'Text') (required= 'Yes')
    - limbleAssetFieldValueID (type = 'Text') (required = 'Yes')

  • Click 'Save' in the Data Structure panel, then 'Save' the Data Store (Leave the default size of 1 MB).

  • Repeat the above steps to create the other 3 Data Stores and associated Data Structures as follows:
    [Redzone]LimbleTaskCommentXWalk (Data storage size = 10 MB)
        - createdTime (type = 'Text')(required = 'No')
        - commentString (type = 'Text')(required = 'No')
        - limbleCommentID (type = 'Text')(required = 'No')
        - redzoneCommentID (type = 'Text')(required = 'No')
        - limbleTaskID (type = 'Text')(required = 'No')
        - redzoneTaskID (type = 'Text')(required = 'No')
    [Redzone]TaskXWalk (Data storage size = 10MB)
        - redzoneMaintenanceActionID (type = 'Text')(required = 'No')
        - limbleTaskID (type = 'Text')(required = 'No')
        - closedTime (type = 'Text')(required = 'No')
    [Redzone]Auth (Data storage size = 1MB)
        - bearerToken (type = 'Text')(required = 'Yes')
        - expires (type = 'Text')(required = 'Yes')

  • From the 'Data Stores' page, confirm that you have 4 Stores present, similar to this example:

  • Navigate to the 'Templates' page, then scroll down until you find the available           "[Redzone]..." templates.

  • Let's make an instance of the first of four. Click on "[Redzone] Refresh Auth Token", then click "Create new Scenario From Template".

  • Upon entering the management view of the new scenario, disregard and close any error notification. 

  • Scroll in and click on the first module, named "Get Fresh Redzone Auth Token". Click on "Add" next to the dropdown menu. Name the new Connection "Redzone Auth". Add the Redzone credentials you collected earlier and click "Save"

  • Ensure that your new 'Redzone Auth' connection is selected, then click 'OK'.

  • Click on the 'Store Fresh Token' module. From the dropdown, select the '[Redzone]Auth' Data Store, then click 'OK'.

  • Save the Scenario with the button at the bottom of the screen.

  • Click the back button in the top left twice to return to the 'Scenarios' page of your Fuse account. You should see the newly created [Redzone] Refresh Auth Token Scenario here.

  • Congrats, you've created your first Scenario instance! Let's work through implementing the other three Scenarios needed to integrate your Redzone data now.

  • Return to the Templates page, click the template titled '[Redzone] Limble Asset Sync', then click 'Create new Scenario from template'. Ignore and Close the error message.

  • The first module in this Scenario uses something called a 'Webhook'. Essentially, this is a custom address that allows for this Scenario to be triggered whenever a specific event occurs, in this case whenever an asset is updated in our Fuse account. Start the setup by clicking 'Add'. Name it 'Limble Asset Events', then click 'Save'.

  • You should now see a blue web url, which is the newly created webhook. Click the 'Copy address to clipboard' button, then go to the 'Settings' page in your Limble account.

  • Near the bottom of the page, paste the url into both the 'Asset Webhook Endpoint' and 'Asset Field Webhook Endpoint' fields. Now, whenever changes are made to assets in your Limble account, an informational event will be sent to the Fuse Scenario webhook and trigger the Scenario to start!

  • Return to your Fuse Scenario screen and click 'OK' on the Webhook module view. Next let's configure the Blue 'Data Store' modules. The modules in the template each have unique names. Click on each of the following and select the correct Data Store from the dropdown, as described following. Verify that the fields are configured correctly, then click 'OK' for each to save the selection. Refer to the following:
    - 'Get Redzone Auth': [Redzone]Auth
    - 'Asset already Mapped?': [Redzone]LimbleAssetAssociations
    - 'Add/Replace Asset Association in DS': [Redzone]LimbleAssetAssociations
    - 'Update valueID in DS': [Redzone]LimbleAssetAssociations
    - 'Was Asset Mapping Field?': [Redzone]LimbleAssetAssociations
    - 'Remove Mapping in DS': [Redzone]LimbleAssetAssociations

  • For each of the red Redzone modules, select 'Redzone Auth' Connection from the dropdown, then click 'OK' to save. 

  • Select one of the green Limble modules. If this is your first time using Fuse to integrate your Limble account, click 'Add' to create a new authentication connection. Name the connection 'Limble Auth', then add your Limble API credentials collected in the pre-requisites of this guide. *Note* If you already have other Fuse Scenarios in place, reuse the existing Limble App connection instead of creating a new one.

  • As you did similarly for the Redzone modules, select each Limble module and choose 'Limble Auth' from the 'Connection Name' dropdown before clicking 'OK'

  • Your Scenario should now be fully configured. Click the Save icon before clicking the back arrow twice to return to your 'Scenarios' page.

  • For the next Scenario, we will need to create two custom Functions. To start this, navigate to the 'Functions' page from your Fuse homescreen. **If you do not have this tab, contact integrations@limblecmms.com for support.

  • Click 'Add a Function'. Name it 'returnLatestCommentID', with the same in the Description field. Then click 'Save'. You will be taken to the code editor.

  • Copy the following code, then paste it into the 'Javascript code' section replacing the existing contents:

    function returnLatestCommentID(objectList){    return objectList[objectList.length - 1]['commentID'];}

  • Click 'Save'. Create a second function called 'returnLatestCommentString', pasting the following code and the saving:

    function returnLatestCommentString(objectList){    return objectList[objectList.length - 1]['comment']}
  • Return to the Templates page. Repeat the Scenario creation process for the template called '[Redzone] Limble Task Events'. Complete all of the following:
    - Create a new Webhook. Call this one 'Limble Task Events', then put the url in the 'Task Webhook Endpoint' field of your Limble 'Settings' page.

    - Configure your Blue Data Store modules as follows:
    * 'Get Redzone Auth Token': [Redzone]Auth
    * 'Get Task Mapping': [Redzone]TaskXWalk
    * 'Update Task Mapping': [Redzone]TaskXWalk
    'Comment already Synced?': [Redzone]LimbleTaskCommentXWalk
    * 'Add Comment to DS': [Redzone]LimbleTaskCommentXWalk
    * 'Get Redzone Task ID': [Redzone]TaskXWalk
    * 'Add Redzone Comment ID to DS': [Redzone]LimbleTaskCommentXWalk

    - Select the 'Limble Auth' Connection for each of the green Limble modules in the Scenario.

    - Select the 'Redzone Auth' Connection for each of the red Redzone modules in the Scenario.

    - In the purple 'Get Latest CommentID' module, click inside the 'Variable value' field. Select the gear icon in the new panel, then click on the function named 'returnLatestCommentID' that you defined earlier. Ensure that the value ------------"26. Array[]: body" is being passed to this function as shown here:

    - Click 'Save'. In the purple 'Get Latest Comment String' module, ensure you are calling the 'returnLatestCommentString' function, passing it the same module 26 Array, as follows

  • The scenario should now be fully configured. Save it and return to the 'Templates' page. Create a new, fourth, scenario from the template called '[Redzone]PeriodicMaintenanceActionSync'.

  • Configure the scenario as follows:
    - Select the 'Limble Auth' Connection for each of the green Limble modules.

    - Select the 'Redzone Auth' Connection for each of the red Redzone modules.
    - In the green "Create Limble Task" module, enter the "User ID" value. Ask the Integrations team for help retrieving this.

    - Configure the blue Data Store modules as follows:
    * 'Get Redzone Auth Token': [Redzone]Auth
    * 'Search for Task Mapping': [Redzone]TaskXWalk
    * 'Update Task in DS' x6 : [Redzone]TaskXWalk 
    'Comment already mapped?': [Redzone]LimbleTaskCommentXWalk
    * 'Store in DS': [Redzone]LimbleTaskCommentXWalk
    * 'Check for Asset Mapping': [Redzone]AssetAssociations
    * 'Add Task Mapping': [Redzone]TaskXWalk

    - At the bottom of the screen, adjust the frequency of the Scenario to run every 60 minutes:

  • The scenario is configured. Save it and return to your Fuse Scenarios page. Confirm that you have four Scenarios present. Enable each one using the toggle. Your page should now look like this:

Rejoice! Your Fuse setup is now finished. Please use the following section as a guide to using your new integration. 

  • Associate your Redzone Asset with your Limble Asset. To connect the two systems, you will need to add the 'Redzone: Asset UUID' Suggested Field to the related Limble Asset as shown below:

    Adding the value to the field will trigger the integration, preparing the way for the next step...

  • Every 60 minutes, Fuse will retrieve a full list of Maintenance Actions from your Redzone account. For each, it will check to see if the related Redzone asset is mapped to a Limble asset. If so, it will create a matching Work Request in Limble, attached to that Asset. Some helpful info fields will be attached, including the Redzone Asset ID and Maintenance Type, as seen here:

  • Fuse will also sync any comments made on the Redzone Maintenance Action, to ensure that your Limble users have the latest information. Any comments made in the Limble Work Request will also sync back to the Redzone Maintenance Action as shown here:

  • *NOTE* Redzone does not provide Live events for integrations. Therefore, we have to scan every Maintenance Action at regular intervals and look for new items manually. Because of this, you may see a delay of up to 60 minutes from the time a Maintenance Action or comment is added in Redzone to the time this shows up in Limble. Comments added in Limble will show up on the Redzone Maintenance Action within about one minute.

  • Propogating WO Closure from Limble to Redzone. Within about one minute of closing a Work Order in Limble, the connect Redzone Maintenance Action be closed by the integration.

This concludes our Integration Tour! We recommend you start by connecting a few Redzone assets that see regular activity, then monitoring the integration behavior for a burn-in period. This best practice makes it easier to make any needed tuning before a full implementation scale-up to include all Redzone assets. For answers to any questions, please reach out to integrations@limblecmms.com

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